Tuesday, December 5, 2006

It's past 10 pm and I should be in bed but instead I have been working on this website. It's not a hard task but time consuming. I think I got all the bugs out.

So now I'm thinking about this past year and trying to come up with some poetic entry about all the wonderful things we have done this year as a family and honestly I can't remember specific things. I don't say that in a negative way, as if to say we didn't do anything wonderful. What does come to mind are the wonderful things the Lord has done in our lives. I'm not going to get into any specifics right now-maybe later, but I will say as a mother, wife, woman (those aren't in any order of priority) the Lord is changing my heart so I can humble myself and obey God.

This week Steve is on travel and I was kind of dreading it. Not only will I miss Steve but I rely on him so much in the evening. That is my little mommy break time. I started to pray for strength and confidence so that I will be the parent God had intended for me. Not only for this week but everyday. A lot of my prayers have been simply 'teach me Lord'. I am overcoming a lot in this area and so thankful for the peace and comfort I have in my heart.

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