Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Granola anyone?

Me and my 3.5 yr old attended a local 'Nature Time' activity at a state park. We had a lovely time. The fall crisp air was invigorating. We had 2.5 hours of outdoor fun. We made a nature journal and then filled it with our findings from the field and corn crop. We saw beautiful flowers and leaves; various birds flying above; and animal tracks left in the mud. After we completed our nature journal it was time for a game. The instructor played mice and eagle..the kids were the mice and instructor the eagle. When the eagle tapped the mice on the head they turned into an eagle...well guess who didn't like being chased by the eagle, yep you guessed it our Caroline. She said she was scared, so be it. On to another game, Simon Says. A few rounds of that stirred up an appetite! The kids had a nice 'healthy' (see funny below) snack of soy nuts, puffed wheat, apples, carrots, and potato sticks. It was food so Caroline was in heaven.

Here's the funny part...

Funny #1: Caroline and the two other kids around her age (girl and boy) were looking at a daddy- longleg and my Caroline stomps on it. The other little girl started to ball. She comes running to her mommy all upset b/c that GIRL killed the daddy-longleg. I explained to Caroline that we don't kill the bugs/animals at the park (so not a nature girl here-lol).

Funny #2: Then we had a scavenger hunt..Caroline finds an ant hill and proceeds to DESTROY IT by stomping on it. Once again, I explained we don't destroy the animals home. I'm thinking to myself how the very nice instructor (nature lady) is ready for us to leave, but all was well and we didn't get kicked out of the park.

Funny #3: The final funny happened when Caroline asked the instructor if they are getting gummy snacks! The instructor explained that since they don't give out stuff with sugar in it (only healthy snacks) they won't be eating gummy snacks. Oh, ok, by now I'm cracking up inside.

By the way, the soy nuts were very tasty. We plan on going to the next Nature Time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October Adventures and Overcomings

It's October and it's that time of year to say goodbye to the summer heat and hello to cool, crisp days....unless you're in Southern Maryland. haha. We went to the pumpkin patch on one of the hottest days in October that I can remember. We all had a great time finding our way through the corn maze, taking a wagon ride, checking out the animals, and most of all playing in the corn box (aka sand box but with corn).

For the past week Caroline has been fighting a cold. She developed a cough and it caused her some restlessness. She was in bed and I started to pray and before long I said, "Lord loose her from this cough and congestion." Caroline immediately began to cough up the crud that was making her feel so bad. Then the Lord put on my heart to NOT be afraid of what I saw, because what came out of her was pretty gross looking. I was thankful and Caroline was too. She got back into bed and I continued to pray. Mainly thanking God for his mercy on ME b/c he answered my prayer. Caroline opened her eyes, looked at me, and smiled. She slept peacefully all night.