Monday, January 12, 2009

It's been a while...

since I have written on our blog. I guess with working full time now, my time is spent differently. Work has been going great. I've said this before to others...God has given me every job I have had and they all have been great in their own respect. The transitions have been seamless. My only complaint is that my house is a little more cluttered at times but oh well-whataya going to do.

Caroline enjoys 'school' very much and is so happy when Monday, her favorite day of the week (besides gymnastics day) comes around. She engages with her teachers and the other children very well and is not afraid to speak up and share her feelings. So far, her and her class have gone on two field trips, the pumpkin farm and our local "zoo" aka Petco! With our flexible jobs, we were able to attend the field trips too. We also attended a Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas classroom party. Caroline commented to me that 'we sure do have a lot of parties'-ain't that the truth. I'm thankful God has allowed us to be so involved.

Caroline will be five in April and we have been praying for God to direct us on which school to send Caroline for Kindergarten. Tomorrow night we are going to check out a newer school in our county that is a charter school. It is a public school but you have to apply and based on openings will you get in. They do a lottery system if they have more applicants then open spots. Anyway, we are going to attend their information/tour night tomorrow.

Steve has been playing more hockey and has even become a Washington Capitals fan! To the point that he got us all caps jerseys..mine is a shirt. When the caps are playing we are watching. Some of the games aren't broadcast on cable, but he has a friend who gets it on direct TV-thanks Craig!

In addition to hockey, Steve continues to play music. He no longer is in the band but still jams with some of the members. Writing music and lyrics is a lot of fun for him. He definitely has a God given talent with music. He has never been formally taught to play an instrument. He can just pick it up and go with it.

Until next time, God bless and remember God's mercies are new everyday!

1 comment:

Manic Mommy said...

I decided to jump on your blog and am now an official follower. :) I must recommend the kindergarten program at Little Seedlings. We decided to send Evan because of his personality and I couldn't have been happier. Logan will definitely be going next year along with several of his friends. It's a half day program with a max of 12 kids, 2 teachers. They spend time reading with each child individually every day and also have Spanish and sign language lessons, science and cooking every week. We've been with Little Seedlings since Evan was four (now seven) and just love all they have to offer. Of course, I have many friends who have chosen Charter and I hear wonderful things all around. Good luck in your decision. Hope to see you soon.