Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October Adventures and Overcomings

It's October and it's that time of year to say goodbye to the summer heat and hello to cool, crisp days....unless you're in Southern Maryland. haha. We went to the pumpkin patch on one of the hottest days in October that I can remember. We all had a great time finding our way through the corn maze, taking a wagon ride, checking out the animals, and most of all playing in the corn box (aka sand box but with corn).

For the past week Caroline has been fighting a cold. She developed a cough and it caused her some restlessness. She was in bed and I started to pray and before long I said, "Lord loose her from this cough and congestion." Caroline immediately began to cough up the crud that was making her feel so bad. Then the Lord put on my heart to NOT be afraid of what I saw, because what came out of her was pretty gross looking. I was thankful and Caroline was too. She got back into bed and I continued to pray. Mainly thanking God for his mercy on ME b/c he answered my prayer. Caroline opened her eyes, looked at me, and smiled. She slept peacefully all night.

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