UPDATED ON APRIL 7TH...Last night Caroline was either hyped up from all the sugar she consumed or excited that her actual birthday was approaching and didn't fall asleep till 10pm! After she was out, Steve set up the four balloons in the kitchen and I got all the presents set out on the table. I have to say Steve and I were excited to. It's fun to be able to do things for those you love. The next morning, Caroline woke up, but didn't come to wake us up. I just happened to hear her playing in her room. I got Steve up and we got her and went downstairs. Caroline said, BALLOONS and more presents for me! She was ready for more cake too...but mama said no to that-after lunch was the deal. Caroline opened her presents and loved everything. We have played with her balloons all morning. Then she started to ask, 'How do I know I'm 4 years old?' She would look down at herself as if something was suppose to change today. She seemed a little disappointed, but I told her I can tell she is older because she is taller. Caroline is a bold, curious, non-assuming, strong, fun, humorous, and compassionate. See our photo album for more pictures. God bless you all.

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