I was taught that we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas and the tree and lights all had some significance. I decided to do some reading..well after God got me to open the bible and just start reading I found out that there is no mention of December 25th, Christmas, and instruction to celebrate Christ's birth. I'm still reading in Matthew so if I am corrected I will post it. So now what...I have two other members who enjoy putting up the tree, lights, etc. I do too, but it doesn't seem that important to me. I can go either way...so we have a tree up, decorations, and even hosted a Christmas party. We say 'Merry Christmas'. We have done the local tree lighting; toured the decorated farms and parks; and even done Santa's shopping. But I still feel like I'm in a state of limbo as far as what I want our daughter to get out of all this.
I've already told our 3 1/2 yr old that 'baby Jesus' is not a baby anymore, but he is our living savior. He was a baby born of a woman named Mary. She immediately wanted to be Mary and act it out. lol. I've also told her we might not do things like other families because we need to obey God in all that we do. Next year we may or may not put up a tree. We may or may not exchange gifts. If I'm obeying God then none of this will be an issue. I will work out my salvation today, tomorrow, and on Christmas day. I'm thankful Jesus obeyed his father so myself and the world can have everlasting life. This is my celebration.
Merry Christmas and God's blessings to you all!
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