Wow, Caroline is five years old already. This was the year we decided to have an actual party. We went all out and had a skating party! There were balloons and decorations, food and drinks, and a Toy Story themed cake with Jessie. The kids had a wonderful time skating. For most, it was their first time on skates. I have to thank God for my husband. He became the host of the party since I was not feeling well enough to attend-you can imagine how bummed I was. Regardless, everything went perfect. Once Caroline and Steve got home she opened up all her presents and she got so much stuff. Thank you all for your generous gifts. The night before her actual birthday, Caroline wouldn't go to sleep. She kept asking me when will it be midnight. I didn't understand why she was asking me this at first. Then it dawned on me that she realized her birthday will actually start at midnight! Smart girl she is. She also was very excited about celebrating her birthday with her daycare friends. Caroline picked out a new dress I purchased at a consignment sale and had me curl her hair for school. We brought in cupcakes to share with her classmates. Then ended the night with a birthday dinner at her favorite restaurant, LoneStar. It's a blessing the Lord gives us these special times to spend with family and friends. As parents we have been abundantly blessed with a child who has a joyful, energetic, and bold personality. She is funny and considerate and enjoys helping others. She does things passionately which can get her frustrated if it doesn't go as planned-humm guess she gets that honestly from mama. If it sparkles, twinkles, twirls, and has a hint of pink in it, Caroline is all for it. We thank God for your life Caroline.
Remember, He IS risen!
God bless.