What more can you ask for in Southern Maryland! We had a nice Thanksgiving. Of course I cooked a lot of food for three adults and a 3 yr old. lol. We are thankful for the time we get to spend with family. After we filled our bellies, we all played a bowling game on the Wii. Mom loved it and we laughed a lot.
The day after Thanksgiving there is a tree lighting/festival in Leonardtown, which includes Santa nonetheless. So after our turkey pot pie dinner, we bundled ourselves up for the cold to check out the festivities. We got there just in time to find a spot on the sidewalk to watch the parade of firetrucks along with Mr. McGruff and Sparky the fire dog (Caroline's favorite). Then Santa came by and helped light the tree in the center of the Leonardtown square. I'm glad I had my hot chocolate because it was SOOO cold. Needless to say, we walked around the square and headed home. We finished our evening with a slice of homemade cherry pie with whipped topping. YUMMY.
This weekend also starts the holiday season shopping frenzy. I only went to one store, got what I needed and headed home. It wasn't crowded either-I was thankful. Steve went to Best Buys-not the best idea. They were out of what he went after and the lines snaked around the store. He saw a friend of ours and she had been standing in line for 45 minutes (you go Jen!). Steve even said IF they had what he wanted he probably wouldn't of got it b/c the wait wasn't worth his time. Amen!
We also put up the christmas tree and got all the holiday decorations out. Caroline is so excited about the tree. She enjoys the lights and the train!