Monday, August 27, 2007

It's been a while since I last posted anything on here. I guess we are getting back into our routine since Oma left. When Oma is here I get so spoiled with the extra help that when she leaves it's a shock to my system. lol.

Steve and I have been pondering the whole preschool issue for Caroline. We've come to the conclusion that she doesn't need preschool to learn anything-she's smart. I think she would benefit from the structure of a classroom and what is expected of her. With that said, as a parent our job is to provide structure where learning to sharing, follow directions, teaching respect, and self control is taught, right? So why would we need to put her in preschool? Here it is folks...for me it's the pressure that she won't be 'ready' for kindergarten like most of her peers. She would be the child labeled 'didn't go to preschool' in the class. As ridiculous as that sounds, it's true, and this social pressure is heavy in the mommy circles. I never thought it would happen to me. of right now I have started Caroline on the Letter of the week and we are in week three. We have put together her Learning Poster and she loves adding the pictures under the corresponding headings. She will go around the house or while in the car and pick out the letter we have been learning. She wants to know what every word says and how to spell stuff too. She is even doing some basic math-addition and subtraction. We don't plan on homeschooling her, in fact, we might try to get her into the public school preK program for next fall. If that doesn't work then we will look into a private preK program OR just wait till Kindy time. God has put in my heart to be still and not hasty.