Sunday, December 31, 2006
Even the youngest can overcome a situation.
Last week after doing some shopping we decided to stop and have lunch at Asahi-one of our favorites. Well, at least for Steve and I. The last time we took Caroline she was very afraid of the grill-they cook the food right in front of you and sometimes put on a show with loud noises and fire. This upset Caroline in the past. So we are sitting there and a good friend of ours is our chef and I requested the 'no fire' show and he said of course. When he turned on the overhead exhaust fan, Caroline covered her ears and she turned to me and said mommy I want to go outside! The fear in her eyes could of overwhelmed anyone and I could see this anxiety come over her little body. My first thought was to take her outside like she requested, but I didn't. Not this time. I wanted her to see and understand that there was nothing to fear. When we got our drinks there was a little animal stir straw in Caroline's drink-it was an octapus. After the many requests to leave the table, I picked up Mr. Octapus and distracted Caroline's attention with a little game. Mr. Octapus was going to have some lunch with Caroline and show her there is nothing to be afraid of. It was God's mercy that I was able to take control of the situation and talk a little girl down from her anxiety. She asked Mr. Octapus a lot of questions about the experience and she settled down and we all had a nice lunch.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Happy New Year from Maryland
Now I would like to share a little something about this time of year. I grew up in a church and of course I was taught all the things we do during Christmas and that it's Jesus' birthday (and I enjoyed these traditions). As I read the new testiment no where does it say anything about 'christmas' and that we are to celebrate Christ's birthday. But it does tell about the birth of Jesus Christ and I am so thankful God gave us all a Savior who died, was buried, and rose again for our salvation. That is what I want to celebrate today and everyday. God bless and happy 2007!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Got Fruit?
Monday, December 11, 2006
Holiday Painting Fun
Caroline and her good friend Ysa got together today to paint some Christmas ornaments. After about 20 minutes Caroline was done painting and off to search out toys. Unfortunately our playdate was cut short because Caroline was having a hard time learning to share and following the rules at her friend's house. Unfortunately for mommy MY playdate had to end too. Unlike a 2 yr old, I can get over it and control my emotions and move on. As Caroline shouts out demands in the backseat, I bite my tongue to the sarcastic remarks that WANT to fly out of my mouth. I have to remind myself I AM THE PARENT, I AM THE PARENT. I say this over and over in my head. I then begin to pray aloud (which we do often in our house) and the demanding 2 yr old is yelling for me to stop. Rebellion is in all our hearts. I then told the jezebel to just GO in Jesus Christ's name and the yelling ceased instantly. Thank God. I do thank God for every day, even the hard parenting days because I know God has a plan for me and my family.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Go and get your puppy blanket.
I have recently been reading some books on the most popular discipline tactic...time out. I understand the basic concept of time out-to get the child to stop an unwanted behavior. I don't understand how putting a small child-toddler on a step or in a chair for a few minutes will teach them to change their behavior. Sure it might get them to stop at that moment but I want long term behavior modification. So how does time out work? One of the books suggests using 'positive time out', which is to use time out only to get the child to calm down and gain self control and then address the issue. OK I think I can buy that. Today Caroline had a meltdown as I was trying to get her into the car seat. She cried and fussed all the way home. I remained calm and didn't address the screaming child in the backseat. Talking to a child who is hysterically crying just doesn't work. When we got inside the house I firmly told her to get her puppy blanket and go to her room until she can calm down and talk to mommy. Tears streaming down her face, she walked upstairs got her blanket and went to her room. Her crying stopped almost immediately. While she was doing this I was praying and asking the Lord what I needed to do to help Caroline learn from this situation. A few minutes later she asked to come out and I said yes. I briefly explained to Caroline she is expected to obey mommy. I'm not sure if this is the best way or the right way to discipline but I know it was the right thing to do at that moment. Discipline is the hardest part of parenting. There are so many books and experts that have something to say on this topic. I'm so thankful that God knows what she needs and as I trust in the Lord I will know what Caroline needs in all areas of her life.
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Gingerbread House?
Today was the day to make our gingerbread house. I remember making one a few years back, BC *before Caroline* and it was so cute. After breakfast I get the kit out and Caroline is already excited and bouncing around (so what's a little more sugar to start our day?!). I lay out all the pieces and get the icing ready to 'glue' the house together. After sampling the sprinkles, gumdrops, icing, and of course actually eating the gingerbread cookie the kit came with, we proceeded with our mini construction project. Twenty minutes later, after many attempts to keep the house from falling apart, I laid all our pieces out and told Caroline have at it-let's decorate cookies! At one time I would of got frustrated b/c our house didn't turn out exactly like the picture, but not anymore. We had fun squeezing the icing from the tube and pouring sprinkles ALL over the place. I even caught the little one with her mouth around the icing tube-so we won't be sharing these cookies with anyone. Watching the thrill Caroline got playing in all this stuff put a smile on my face.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
It's past 10 pm and I should be in bed but instead I have been working on this website. It's not a hard task but time consuming. I think I got all the bugs out.
So now I'm thinking about this past year and trying to come up with some poetic entry about all the wonderful things we have done this year as a family and honestly I can't remember specific things. I don't say that in a negative way, as if to say we didn't do anything wonderful. What does come to mind are the wonderful things the Lord has done in our lives. I'm not going to get into any specifics right now-maybe later, but I will say as a mother, wife, woman (those aren't in any order of priority) the Lord is changing my heart so I can humble myself and obey God.
This week Steve is on travel and I was kind of dreading it. Not only will I miss Steve but I rely on him so much in the evening. That is my little mommy break time. I started to pray for strength and confidence so that I will be the parent God had intended for me. Not only for this week but everyday. A lot of my prayers have been simply 'teach me Lord'. I am overcoming a lot in this area and so thankful for the peace and comfort I have in my heart.
So now I'm thinking about this past year and trying to come up with some poetic entry about all the wonderful things we have done this year as a family and honestly I can't remember specific things. I don't say that in a negative way, as if to say we didn't do anything wonderful. What does come to mind are the wonderful things the Lord has done in our lives. I'm not going to get into any specifics right now-maybe later, but I will say as a mother, wife, woman (those aren't in any order of priority) the Lord is changing my heart so I can humble myself and obey God.
This week Steve is on travel and I was kind of dreading it. Not only will I miss Steve but I rely on him so much in the evening. That is my little mommy break time. I started to pray for strength and confidence so that I will be the parent God had intended for me. Not only for this week but everyday. A lot of my prayers have been simply 'teach me Lord'. I am overcoming a lot in this area and so thankful for the peace and comfort I have in my heart.
God Bless us all
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! This year we decided to take our family picture down at St. Mary's City, MD under a path of tall pine trees. This picture doesn't do it justice-it's a neat location. At our first anniversary we went down here and had professional pictures taken of us....Steve and myself and that was 7 yrs ago. Yep, we just has our 7th anniversary. Where has the time gone? It really does fly by when your having fun.
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